The quality and production standards of “Organic Milk”
Organic Milk LLC uses raw materials for the production of organic dairy products – EXTRA class milk, which comes daily from its own farms engaged exclusively in organic farming and animal husbandry. That is, there is a complete cycle of production from the cultivation of feed, the maintenance of the meat and dairy herd to the processing of raw milk and the production of the final product of consumption. All processes – from growing fodder to the production of finished products – are controlled by the international certification company “Organic Standard”.
We have the appropriate certificates from ORGANIC STANDARD in accordance with the requirements set out in Council Regulation (EC) № 834/2007 and № 889/2008.
In addition, the production has an integrated quality and safety system according to the standards DSTU ISO 9001, 14000, 22000.
We are constantly working to improve and enhance the technology of production of our products. After all, we have our own chem. and bacterial laboratories that constantly monitor the quality and safety of our products.
Recently, our specialists conducted experimental workings using starter cultures on the recommendations of technologists and microbiologists CHR HANSEN. Chr.Hansen is an international company that works with dairy producers at the global, regional and local levels, which allows it to be well-versed in current trends and find effective solutions that can satisfy the tastes of consumers. Hansen is constantly working to create economical and high-quality crops that can ensure the sustainability of characteristics and product safety,
For over 130 years, Chr. Hansen helps producers from all over the world to produce high-quality sour milk products and cheeses. Today Chr. Hansen is a leading supplier of crops and enzymes to the dairy industry.
Fermented milk products, yogurt and cheeses require a comprehensive approach to increase shelf life and flavor characteristics.
Due to this, the shelf life of our fermented milk products has been increased to 25-30 days according to the standards, which was confirmed by the Laboratory of the State Institution “Institute of Public Health. OM Marzeeva NAMNU”.
This is our mission – to give consumers the opportunity to consume high quality products.