The in-process control of milk product quality and safety is carried out by the laboratory of LLC “Organic Milk”, certified to monitor compliance with the organic specification at all stages of production process, to carry out physical, chemical and microbiological analyses of incoming raw materials, to check equipment sterility and production temperatures for separate types of products, to control quality of finished products.
The enterprise has a certified laboratory – certificate No. А14-084 dd. 14.05.2014 of «Ukrainian Agro Standard Certification».
The measuring laboratory includes express-laboratory, physical and chemical laboratory, bacteriological laboratory.

The express-laboratory
It is necessary for the incoming control of raw milk with the analysis for its compliance with all-Union State Standard 3662, namely: acidity, stiffness, fat weight part, protein weight part, purity group, adulteration, number of somatic cells and antibiotic content.

The physical and chemical laboratory
It carries the incoming control of auxiliary raw materials, in-process control of manufacturing organic milk products and finished products in terms of compliance with the production regulatory documents.

The bacteriological laboratory
It controls the sanitary condition of the enterprise, equipment, checks how employees follow sanitary rules and regulations; carries microbiological control of incoming and auxiliary raw materials, in-process control and checks each lot of finished products.

The measuring laboratory
It is fitted with the up-to-date measuring equipment that provides the full control of organic milk product manufacturing at all production stages.