Ghee, a class of clarified butter that is used for cooking.
Ghee is not something new. It is one of the most famous ingredients of Indian cuisine and is very popular in the traditional system of Indian medicine (Ayurveda).
It is also called the “gold of Ayurveda”.
According to these studies, daily intake of ghee has a positive effect on vision, digestion, memory and skin. It is considered the best way to rejuvenate the body and preserve youth. The butter is used in thousands of drugs and in many treatments.
Initially, Ghee was widely used in the kitchens of South Asia, but every year it is gaining popularity in other countries.
After fats became public enemies in the 1990s, Ghee butter was added to the list of banned foods. Now he was mentioned again.
The effect of ghee has been repeatedly studied by scientists. In 2010, in a study in the journal Ayurveda, American scientists concluded that this butter lowers blood cholesterol in animals and reduces the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases.
They also found a potential link between Ghee butter consumption and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
Since 2016, researchers have proven that ghee is better for frying than sunflower. Another study in 2013 found that Ghee helps protect against the development of fatty deposits in the arteries.
Numerous studies of Ghee butter in 2015 showed that it has very little cholesterol and it can improve overall cholesterol.
The study, published in 2016 in the journal Clinical & Diagnostic Research, examined the relationship between butter consumption and heart function.
The researchers analyzed the health of 137 people from different parts of India who use Ghee in their diet. The results of the study did not confirm the claims about the negative effects of the butter on heart health.
It should be noted that the properties of Ghee butter are still being studied.
Today, it is safe to say that Ghee is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They have been shown to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems needed by the body for brain function, sex hormone production and immune support. Ghee butter also has a positive effect on the small intestine and the entire digestive system as a whole.
Ghee butter can also be used by people who have food allergies to dairy products. It does not contain gluten and is suitable for people with lactose intolerance.
Ghee butter is obtained by reheating, the essence of which is the evaporation of water and removal of milk proteins from butter. With this method, the milk protein casein – one of the most well-known allergens – is almost completely removed.
In addition, under the influence of high temperatures, Ghee butter does not become toxic, so it can be used for frying.
You can use this butter, as usual – add to porridge, spread on bread, add to soups and salads. Often for the treatment or improvement of health, for cosmetic purposes.
For example, to improve digestion, before and after meals take one teaspoon of Ghee, slowly absorbing it in the mouth. According to Ayurveda, no other butter works as gently and effectively.
This butter can be stored for a very long time, under the right conditions, even for years. In Ayurveda it was believed that the older the Ghee, the more valuable it is. It was even passed down from generation to generation.
In essence, Ghee butter is an ordinary butter that has undergone some processing. It can even be made at home. But during the furnace, it acquires other properties and becomes many times more useful than usual.
Organic butter, in turn, will be even more useful! After all, it is made from cream from organic cow’s milk “Extra” class (you can learn about the benefits of organic milk on the pages of our site).
We understand how important it is for each of us to eat the right, healthy food, rich in vitamins and other nutrients, which will bring benefits and taste pleasure and, along with everything, will be high quality and safe.
Therefore, we are trying to improve our products and expand the range. This time our goal was to create organic Ghee, because we want to be more useful and our product is loved by everyone.