Organic tours are extremely rare in Ukraine, despite their rather large popularity abroad. Such tours increase the level of knowledge in the field of ecology, food culture, etc. And the result of such tours, as a rule, is a change in the consciousness of the participant, who begins to think about what he eats, how this product is produced and what consequences this will have for him and the environment as a whole. Finally, the culture of consumption is changing, the demand for organic or ecologically certified products is increasing.
Full cycle of Organic Tour 2017, the organizers of which are Natur Boutique shops, Mezon Blanche eco-houses, Victoria PE, was a bright event of this September.
Visiting of our factory for the production of TM Organic Milk dairy products is traditionally included in the tour. Everyone could not only ask questions and look at the process of production, but also taste it and at the same time evaluate our novelties – milk with cocoa and yoghurt with a Raspberry filling.
This time the participants had the opportunity to “get to know” our new plant for the production of organic meat products of TM Organic Meat. All participants through the window saw how raw cured sausage, made by Italian technology, ripens for 40 days, and tried the entire range of products.
Olexandr Yushchenko, the director general and the founder of GALEKS-AGRO PE, continued the tour to the farm and answered all the questions of interest.
Openness of production, openness in communication disposes for the further study of the organic market.